Anigozanthos flavidus These perennials love dry, arid areas and soil types. The tuberous flower buds are covered in tiny coloured hairs ranging from blackish yellow, orange and red.
Lantana Lantana come in a variety of colors and are one of the most drought resistant vibrant shrubs around. Perfect for a splash of color and attracting butterflies.
Orange Jubilee
Tecoma alata Fast growing large shrub with large clusters of orange trumpet blooms. Jubilees love the full sun and bloom summer through fall.
Little John
Callistemon citrinus One of Southern California's most popular flowering shrub boasts a prolific red bushy flower. These evergreen shrubs are perfect for hedges and are extremely drought tolerant.
Yellow Bells
Tecoma stans A great waterwise option anywhere screening or hedging is desired. The big clusters of large yellow trumpet-shaped flowers are a showy focal point in any landscape.
Star Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides Extremely fragrant white star-shaped flowers in the Spring make the Star Jasmine the perfect low-water shrub for any yard. It can be used as a rambling shrub or a vigorous growing vine.
Romarinus officianalus Evergreen shrub with bright bluw flowers and grey-green foliage. Rosemary can succeed with little to no water in many landscapes.
Juniper One of the hardiest, most drought tolerant shrubs available at Moon Valley. These woody evergreens love sunny locations and well draining soil.
Gopher Plant
Euphorbia rigida Exotic-looking drought-resistant species that has yellow flowers and is perfect for year-round color and visual interest. One of the lowest maintenance varieties on this list.
Bougainvillea One of the most popular ways to add color in a variety of ways. The Bougainvillea comes as bush, vine and in a spiny 'Torchglow' variation. Awesome in full sun with little to no water needed.
New Zealand Tea Bush
Leptospermum scoparium Tightly branched evergreen shrub covered with tiny, dark green leaves. This little shrub boasts dark-pink flowers and are perfect for waterwise landscapes.
Myoporum parvifolium A very popular evergreen perennial ground cover that is extremely fast growing. This shrubs shows off with bright green and fleshy leaves with small cream-white flowers in the Spring.
Silver Cloud Sage
Leucophyllum candidum A very popular waterless sage variety with bright silver foliage and dark purple flowers. Grow them in large bush form or trim into balls, squares, or hedges!
Texas Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens This awesome medium to large shrub boasts light grey foliage with an abundance of Lavender flowers in late Spring through the Fall. Thrives in full sun.
Green Cloud Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' Another great Sage variety with Rose-Pink flowers covering a light grey foliage.
Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii A small perennial shrub with vibrant Red, Coral or Hot Pink tubular flowers. The Autumn Sage is a favorite among Hummingbirds.
Chaparral Sage
Salvia clevlandii An evergreen desert shrub with tall stalks of Purple flowers and grey foliage. You and your visitors will love its aromatic flowers. Another favorite among Hummingbirds and Butterflies.
Mexican Bush Sage
Salvia leucantha Spikes of Purple flowers and attractive Silver lance shaped leaves make this a super plant for almost any type of landscape.
Desert Spoon
Dasylirion wheeleri Great care-free accent for any waterwise landscape. Offers up a striking silver-grey foliage with glorious spikes reaching 10'!
Fire Sticks
Euphorbia tirucalli Sticks of Fire have an amazing coral structure and natural color, turning a bright fiery red during the cooler months. Extremely drought tolerant makes for an awesome accent to any landscape.
Yucca Pendula
Yucca pendula Yucca Pendula grows large blue-green leaves with a lighter structure allowing them to weep, giving this plant a graceful appearance that's welcome in almost any landscape.